What I cannot create, I do not understand.
-- Richard Feynman
A list of courses I am currently teaching / have taught in the past as the instructor of record:
- Introduction to Economics, Wake Forest University
- Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory, University of Oregon
- Money and Banking, University of Oregon
- Monetary Policy, University of Oregon
Here are some (free) resources from which I’ve benefited greatly over the years, both as a teacher and a student:
Macro, Financial, and Monetary Economics
Intemediate Macroeconomics (latest manuscript) – Garin, Lester, and Sims
Lectures on the The Federal Reserve and the Financial Crisis (Parts 1-4) – Ben Bernanke
Statistical Modeling of Monetary Policy and its Effects – Chris Sims
Lectures Notes on Graduate Macroeconomics – Christopher Carroll
Notes on Computational Methods for Macroeconomics – Makoto Nakajima
Time Series Econometrics/Analysis
Time Series for Macroeconomics and Finance – John H. Cochrane
Applied Bayesian Econometrics for Central Bankers – Andrew Blake and Haroon Mumtaz
Other Econometrics
Introduction to Computational Thinking (MIT) – Alan Edelman, David Sanders, and Charles Leiserson
First Semester in Numerical Analysis with Julia – Giray Ökten
Quantitative Economics with Julia – Jesse Perla, Tom Sargent, and John Stachurski
My weekly coding labs for PhD Comp Econ Field Course at University of Oregon
Fundamentals of Numerical Computation (Julia Edition) – Tobin Driscoll and Richard Braun
My weekly coding labs for undergraduate introductory econometrics at University of Oregon.
R for Data Science (2ed) – Hadley Wickham, Mine Cetinkaya-Rundel, Garrett Grolemund
The Big Picture of Linear Algebra – Gilbert Strang (This simple video helped me ace linear algebra in 2017 :))